Can a Sinus Infection be Triggered by Humidity?

Man laying down in pain from a sinus infection pinching his painful sinuses

There’s that old cliche: it isn’t the heat, it’s the humidity. And that’s no joke. It’s tough to escape oppressive humidity. Activities are less fun when you’re having a hard time breathing through the muggy air. And, it turns out, this very same (wretched) humidity can sometimes bring about an elevated risk of developing a sinus infection.

How do you know you have a sinus infection?

In a lot of ways, a sinus infection (medically known as sinusitis) is a pretty general type of disorder. They occur when fluid builds up in the air pockets behind your face (called sinuses, as you might have suspected). This fluid can then become infected, usually by viruses, but sometimes by bacteria as well. This infection can be really uncomfortable and will normally generate even more fluid.

The symptoms of sinus infections include the following:

  • Pressure headaches.
  • Fever.
  • Nasal congestion that doesn’t clear itself up. Generally, if you have blockage caused by a sinus infection, it will linger at least ten days.
  • Sinus drainage that just doesn’t seem to stop.
  • Tooth aches (sinus pressure can make your teeth hurt).

Not every sinus infection will present with every one of these symptoms. The general guideline is that if any cold-like symptoms persist or seem especially severe, you should follow up with your primary care physician to see if you’re dealing with a sinus infection.

Can humidity really trigger sinus infections?

A wide variety of underlying conditions can cause a sinus infection. Sometimes, excess fluid can become entrenched after you have a common cold which can get infected and lead to sustained illness.

But it seems hard to believe that humidity could trigger a sinus infection.

It’s not! You really can get a sinus infection from intense humidity. That’s because when the air becomes sticky, your respiratory system’s defense mechanisms don’t function quite as well as normal.

That’s particularly true for something known as cilia. Cilia are small hairs found throughout the nose that move protective mucus around where it’s needed. Irritants, like dirt and dust, are also filtered out by these cilia. But when the air becomes extremely humid, your cilia cease working efficiently (I mean, let’s be honest, don’t we all). And repeated sinus infections can be the result.

And it’s not only because more germs get past your defenses. Even something as simple as excess dust or more extended exposure to allergens can cause the kind of fluid buildup that results in sinus infections.

How much humidity is too much?

In order too work efficiently, your cilia and protective mucus do require some humidity. Typically, you won’t have to be concerned about this too much. But it’s a good idea to pay a little closer attention when the dew point rises above 70.

Can you safeguard yourself from humidity-caused sinus infections?

You can’t entirely prevent the humidity that can trigger an ear infection but you can decrease your risk. There are some steps you can take to keep your sinuses healthier and less prone to infection. Some of the most prevalent include the following:

  • Avoid allergens and irritants: When it’s humid, try to steer clear of things that irritate your nose. For example, when it’s very humid don’t take walk through the forest if you’re allergic to tree pollen. Likewise, if you know that smoke makes your nostrils burn, avoid that afternoon barbecue at the neighbors (at least until the grill is off).
  • Keep your cilia healthy and in good working order by using nasal sprays: If your cilia get too dry, for instance, they won’t be able to protect you any better than if things are too humid. Nasal sprays can provide, and maintain, just the right amount of moisture.

It will be a good idea to call us for an appointment if you keep getting ear infections including when it’s humid. Sometimes, the shape of your sinuses can make you more susceptible to infection. There are also certain medications that we can suggest to keep your sinuses healthy in other scenarios.

Get back to loving summer

Summer is one of those special times of the year, there’s a lot to do and enjoy. And the last thing you want is to be inside nursing a sinus infection when you could be out on a hike, swimming at the beach, or watching a baseball game.

One possible factor that can result in a sinus infection is humidity. If you’re especially worried about sinus infections, schedule an appointment with us to talk about preventative measures you can take when the air gets a little extra sticky!

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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